
Game design
- Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem (Timelock Studio, 2022) writer, narrative desgner, 2D-artist;

Translations and localisations  

- Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope (Croteam, 2017) official English to Russian translation & proofreading;
- Archaica: The Path of Light (TwoMammoths, 2017) official English to Russian translation & proofreading;
- The Search (Jason Godbey, 2017) official English to Russian translation & proofreading;
- Serious Sam's Bogus Detour (Crackshell, 2017) official English to Russian translation
(full), proofreading & beta-testing;
- Panty Party (2017) official English to Russian translation and proofreading (full);
- SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell (2016) translation editing (remade more than 50% of the original and pretty bad official English to Russian translation), proofreading;
- Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist (2015) official English to Russian translation and proofreading (full);
- The Coma: Cutting Class (2015) official English to Russian translation and proofreading (full)
- Neoncube (2015) official English to Russian translation and proofreading (full);
- The Talos Principle: Road To Gehenna DLC (2015) official English to Russian translation, proofreading and editing (full), beta-testing, voiceover studio assistance;
- The Talos Principle (2014) – official English to Russian translation, proofreading and editing (partial, in partnership with Nixa Studio/Gorgone Productions), beta-testing, voiceover studio assistance;
- Serious Sam HD: Legend Of The Beast DLC (2012) – unofficial English to Russian translation;
- The Grand Plague (a fan-made modification for Serious Sam: The Second Encounter) (2012-2014) - Russian to English translation of in-game texts
- Serious Sam: The Arrival Of Dark Sam (2011) – old and very rough Russian to English translation of the indie game

Other translations
- Neurotically Yours (web cartoon series) — series of translated Russian subtitles for YouTube
- for the full list of my translations, check out this page.

Publications and print layout

- Russian fan-made web-magazine “Serious Time” (2011 – 2013)
- Serious Time - Issue #1, 2011 – Editor in Chief, Designer, Writer and Journalist, Print Layout
- Serious Time - Issue #2, 2012 – Writer and Journalist
- Serious Time - Issue #3, 2012 – Editor in Chief, Designer, Writer and Journalist, Print Layout
- Serious Time - Issue #1, 2011 Remastered Edition (2013) – Complete remastering, Designer and Layout
- Serious Time - Issue #4, 2013 – Writer, some of the Design elements

Web-design and layout 

- Undercode.Russia (ex undercode.ru) – Russian fan-site of the Croatian heavy-metal band Undercode. Complete web-design and html-css layout
- Painkiller Russian Community (ex pkrus.ru) – Russian fan-site of the Painkiller videogame franchise. Majority of the design elements and html-css layout

Various managing services

- TalosPrinciple.ru (2015) – Main administrator, idea, translations and content.
- SeriousSite.ru (2011 – 2012, 2020 - current– News writing, feature articles, translations and interviews. Moderator.
- Russian Undercode (undercode.ru, vk.com/undercode_metal) community (2011 – 2015) – News writing, feature articles, translations and interviews, design. Main administrator. Community curator.
- Sam-O-Mania (Samomania) (2013) – News writing.
- “Get Serious” Russian Serious Sam VK-community (2012 – 2014) – News writing, feature articles, translations and interviews, design. Additional administrator.
- “SeriousSamFan” Russian Serious Sam VK-commuinity (2011 – current) – News writing, feature articles, translations and interviews, design. Main administrator.
- The Talos Principle Russian VK-community (2014 – current) – News writing, feature articles, translations and interviews, design. Main administrator.
- Painkiller Russian Community (ex pkrus.ru) – Some news writing, translations.

Videogame QA-services

- Croteam (2014 – current) – external closed beta-testing of veteran videogame developer's projects, such as The Talos Principle (2014), The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna (2015), Serious Sam Fusion 2017.
- Crackshell (2016-2017) external closed beta-testing of the game 'Serious Sam's Bogus Detour'

Original prose and fan-fiction

- Prose (Russian)